• Profile
    • Birthday 1964-10-03
      Yahoo harrypfan
      Location La Porte, Texas
      Interests Scrapbooking, card making, gardening, and making the world a brighter place!
      Occupation Accountant
      About Me I started scrapbooking because I was given a trunk from a very distant, don't exactly know how distant, relative on my father's side of the family. Most of the people I do not know who they are, but there are photos from Germany! I am in the process, VERY SLOW PROCESS, of archiving them and finding out as much information as possible so hand down to my children and share with other relatives I find along the way.
      This lead me to branch out and scrapbook important things I wanted to make sure my children new the history of the event.
  • Statistics
    • Number of photos 47
      Number of times photos viewed 57,656
      Disk space used 4.3mb
      Last Photo Uploaded wedding_invite.jpg
      Wedding Invitation