5 Projects to Make with your Kids

School is winding down, or over for the summer here in the US and it won’t be long until the famous summer boredom sets in. Coming up with activities to answer those complaints is a parent’s summer homework. Luckily you have the world’s best DIY machine, so you’ll be able to ace that homework. Here are five craft projects you can make with your kids using your Inspiration. Next time you have a child five inches from your face complaining that there is nothing to do, you’ll be prepared.


1. Paper Sailboats

Cut these out of white paper and let the kids decorate them. After they’re done designing, get them laminated so they’ll last for a bit.


Farm Animal Boxes

2. Farm Animal Boxes

Make up a few of these cute little animal shaped boxes, then make some farm themed sugar cookies and tuck them inside with a note. Delivering these to an unsuspecting neighbor will be just as fun as making them.


3. Shadow Puppets

Pick a few of the silhouettes in our Fantasy section of the Craft Room Library and cut them out of black cardstock. Attach them to skewers or popsicle sticks. Set up a stage out of a sheet or cardboard box and let the kids make up a play for the neighborhood kids.


4. Paper Purses

Cut out these purses and a few other embellishments for a purse making party. Little girls will love designing their own accessories and you will rid your stash of a few scraps.

Make A Monster Project Pattern

5. Create a Monster

Cut out a bunch of pieces for these monsters and let the kids create their own monsters. Even better, cut them out of window cling material for a reusable toy that can be stuck to windows or the refrigerator.

These are just a few of the many possibilities. Share with us what projects you’ve done with your kids in the comments.

Happy Summer!






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One thought on “5 Projects to Make with your Kids

  • meheidie

    Love it! Summer days can be so long, especially the rainy ones! What a great way to spend time together having fun!