Going to the Source

I sometimes have a problem that my Inspiration is not being recognized. Why does this continue to happen?

Nancy W. Hampton, PA

While there can be a lot of variables as to the reason that this happens, a good place to start is looking at your power source. Since the power source that the Inspiration is plugged in to will vary from household to household, it is wise to take in to consideration what kind of an area you live in. Are you prone to power outages or power surges? A power outage or power surge can interfere with the communication between your computer and your Inspiration. A simple precaution would be to unplug both the power supply and also the USB cable when the Inspiration is not in use. That way you won’t have to worry about any power surges causing problems with your Inspiration. You can also purchase a surge protector, just be aware that even surge protectors will go bad after a few years. Also, make sure that you don’t have a lot of programs running in the background as they can cause problems with the Inspiration not being recognized. Antivirus and spyware programs are continually trying to scan everything in the background of your computer and that can interfere with communication between your Inspiration and your computer. If all else fails, try rebooting your system.




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2 thoughts on “Going to the Source

  • Victoria Kee

    Thanks for telling us about the surge protector only working for a short time. Does anyone know their expiration period? My husband’s boss’s surge protector burned down her condo. So, I believe that what you said here is true….just trying to figure out how long that they are good for.

  • Amanda

    I tried to look this up Vicki but what it really comes down to is two things 1. How good of quality the surge protector is to begin with and 2. How many times the surge protector takes a “hit” (from brown outs, power surges etc.). Basically the surge protector takes the blow so your electronics don’t, but it can only take so many.