Replacing Your Blade

A dull blade can cause your paper to shred or cut inconsistently. Over time, you’ll find that cutting certain materials will make the blade dull more quickly. So it is always wise to keep extra blades on had so that you can change them out as frequently as you will need to.

I know that my blade must be going dull because my cuts aren’t clean anymore. I haven’t had to change the blade out yet so I’m not sure how to do that. Can you help me?

Evan C. Stratusburg, MS

You will want to remove the blade holder from the carriage. Once you have the blade holder in your hand gently push the button at the top of the holder. You will see that it extends the blade out of the blade holder. Remove the old blade from the holder. Once you have removed the cap from the new blade you will want to insert it into the holder by making sure that the sharp end, the part of the blade that cuts your paper, is sticking out of the bottom of the blade holder. Once you have placed the blade into the holder release the button at the top of the blade holder and it will be properly installed. There’s a magnetic pull that will install the blade properly up inside of the holder so you won’t have to worry about making sure that it’s in place all the way. The magnet takes care of that for you. Once the blade is changed, reinsert the blade holder into the blade carriage of the Inspiration and start cutting away!




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4 thoughts on “Replacing Your Blade

  • Jayne Love

    Hi Tatum! Do these instructions also apply to the Pazzles mini? Does my machiine have the magnetic pull for alignment, too? My machine cuts really well on the left side of the carriage but not on the right side of the carriage. Could the blade be the problem or do you think it is something else? I really like “What’s Up Wednesdays!” Thanks. Jayne

  • Tatum Clark Post author

    The Mini has a different blade holder so no, these instructions do not apply to that machine. If you are having problems with the Inspiration only cutting on one side and not the other, I would change out the blade. That’s always a good place to start. However, if you find that doesn’t resolve the problem, give me a call directly and we can walk through some things together over the phone. I’m happy that you like the What’s Up Wednesday blog! 🙂 Everything we do is for our Inspiration users!

  • tina emenes

    HElP!!!I need to know how to put the inspiration cutting tool back together! I thought I needed to take it apart to replace the blade and now it will not cut. I thought I had it back together and I thought wrong…my bad!

  • Amanda

    Unfortunately if you have pulled apart your blade holder you will likely need to purchase a new one. There are ball bearings on the inside of the blade holder that once loose are practically impossible to put back together. Give us a call at 1-866-729-9537